Please note this is not the recipe I regularly use. I use a few different recipes depending on how I want the bubbles to behave and what enviroment I am in.
The ingredients I use are harder to find and the procedure for mixing is a little more complicated. This recipe is easy to mix and the ingredients easy to find.
If you are interested in learning more as a bubble artist, please visit Bubble U where I teach a master class for Bubble Artists. Find Bubble U here
Simple Recipe Ingredients:
14 oz.bottle of Ultra-Dawn
1 tube of "personal lubricant"
1 gallon of Distilled Water (if you have a way of heating the water, it is better. Hot, not boiling.)
In an empty gallon jug, add a little water, all the Dawn and personal lubricant and swirl it
around for 1 minute without making foam. Fill the jug the rest of the way with water, gently swirl. Let it rest for a day.
If you're looking for easier products that are ready to mix, check out these products on Amazon! (This is an affiliate link)
How to make your own big bubble wand:
Use two dowel rods and thick cotton rope.
Some bubble enthusiasts unravel absorbant
mopheads for this, or you can crochet or braid
cotton yard. You'll want to create a Triangle
shape with the rope.
First tie a piece of rope that is two arms lengths
at the top of one dowel and tie the other side to
the top of the other dowel. Then you will cut the
other length of rope to be one and half of the length
of the other rope. tie it directly onto the first rope at
either end, so it creates a loop. (if you were to pull
down on it directly in the middle, it would create a
Triangle - this is were the wand gets it's name as the "Tri-string Wand"
(Video coming on this soon!)